Discover How I Spend 20 Minutes For Traffic That Makes $80-$100 Every Single Day Into My Account, Over And Over...

100% Free Traffic... Start With ZERO Investment!

Copy and repeat the exact same blueprint , to start generating a passive Commissions Into PayPal...

Probably The Easiest Money Making Formula You Ever Seen...

  • Passive Income Without Selling
  • Easy 20 Min Set Up
  • Secret of Getting Penny Clicks
  • ZERO Start Up Budget
  • Case Studies Included
  • 3 Simple Copy/Paste Steps
  • Make Money Staying At Home!

See My Payment Proof...

Making $500-$700 Every Single Week Is A Game Changing Formula...
Because You Can Implement It 3X - 4X Bigger In The NEXT...

In the next few minutes you are going to figure out why this successful marketer (me!) can create you $500-$700 of commissions that drop into your PayPal account, every single week.

... In just 20 minutes ‘work’ a day that involves pointing, clicking and following my simple instructions…

Whilst you have the freedom to enjoy spending time with your family, friends and all the cool hobbies you enjoy the most.

Hurry! Price Is Going Up Fast:

The Journey Behind My Success...

Ivy Livingston Here.

A few short years ago I was just like you.

Stuck. Looking for a way out. Trying to find something... anything that would get me living the famous laptop lifestyle I've been hearing so much about.

I'd literally find coaches that were supposed to help me get there and beg them to let me pay them out of profit... and they never did.

Of course, I ended up paying anyway, getting little to no results, went to the next person, and so on...

So I paid thousands of dollars (all upfront) all for empty promises, and next to no results.

Time has changed​...

Now I'm living my life Fully on Internet Marketing.

I kick out all the GURU's BS and 1 Click Millionaire Software... Haha!

Now I've stumbled upon a super commission model that's so simple and easy to do, that you can get away with very little work and effort.

I mean... I still had to put in a little elbow grease, be committed and stick with it, but the results were immediate.

I got everything set up in about a day, and was off to the races and making money by the end of the week.

That's because there was no moving parts. Everything quick and brain dead simple.

So I figured, I am going to go ahead and give it a shot...

Now I'm Going To Get Straight To The Point...

If your looking to make just a couple of hundred bucks a month, then this isn't for you.

If your serious about making money online and want to generate thousands of dollars per month, then what I'm going to show you has the ability to transform your life starting today.

I'm not going to hype this up too much as I want to get straight into the facts about how this works and how you can start making money today with this method.

If you keep reading this page, you're about to discover how I went from ZERO to generating over Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars In online commissions over the past 12 months for some of the biggest companies online.

That's right, you read that correct... Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars!

And do you want to know the best thing about the methods that I use?

I only use FREE TRAFFIC meaning this doesn't cost a cent to set up.

Still reading? I hope you are, because the methods I'm about to show you can be replicated by anyone, including you, and only take a few minutes per day to set up, to make life changing amounts of money.

Remember, these methods only take a few minutes per day to set up, and won't cost you a single cent as all we use are 100% FREE TRAFFIC Sources.

Please ensure you read entire letter, as I’m about to reveal the exact method that’s going to change your financial life, starting TODAY.

To Make Money Online, You Need a Simple Method For Success That Will Give You Fast Results…

Every course makes it seem like income is just around the corner, but we know that in most cases, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

That’s why I like my system, and I know you will like it too.

I've come up with something that anyone could do to get results…

After some testing, tweaking, and some trial and error, I came up with a method that worked well and it met the criteria…

I'm Getting Results As I Speak...
And I'm No Big Guru.
I'm Just An Average Guy Who Figured Some Stuff Out.

Now that’s a bold promise right there.

That's because I'm so confident that it works, and I've used it myself.

I don't have ANYTHING to hide.

I want you to understand WHY you need this and WHY it can change your life.

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Introducing… 20 Minutes Cash Formula

This step-by-step video training takes you by the hand and shows you EXACTLY how “20 Minutes Cash Formula” works and how you can start using this to make money TODAY.

The best part about “20 Minutes Cash Formula” is that don’t need a list, a product, prior experience or ANYTHING ELSE to make money, and we’ll show you the simple steps to get big results just 20 minutes of works per day.

Plus, this is truly a method ANYONE can use to get FAST result even if you never made a dollar online.

If you’re looking for a way to literally multiply your results while working less. You have to see "20 Minutes Cash Formula”.

Exactly What You Will Learn In This Course...

 -The exact platform we use to earn an easy $80-$100 per day

-The exact strategy for creating profitable cash ​Machine

-How to COPY & PASTE this campaigns and results

-How to get the traffic rolling in

-Essential tips for succeeding and earning

-How to avoid issues

-How to get paid

-And MUCH more…

GET READY To Generate Thousands of Dollars Using 100% FREE TRAFFIC!

Put away all those expensive products you purchased from those fake ‘Guru’s’ and get ready to dive into a golden pool of free traffic.

It’s time to start making money with a real genuine money making method.

Stop trying method after method…

Wasting all your hard earned cash on expensive traffic methods you have been told ‘work’ by one of these fake guru’s that don’t even use the method themselves!

Stay Away From Paid Traffic!

For me paid traffic is a non starter.

I’ve tried it various times, following these “gurus” and every time I’ve been burned!

I have lost thousands of dollars using various paid traffic methods and none have worked for me.

Please don’t fall into the paid traffic trap, whereby you are preached to about you have to spend money to make money….

I am here to assure you this is a LIE.

With the free traffic method I'm about to show you, you'll be able to generate thousands of dollars every single month and have the ability to build a huge email list.

By using my 2 FREE traffic formula, you won’t have to spend a dime on traffic EVER.

These free traffic sources has the ability to send thousands of visitors to your CPA, affiliate offers and websites within minutes.

Within a few short minutes you’ll be set up on the platform and have the ability to make thousands of dollars per month on complete auto pilot.

I'd just like to assure you that this money making method has nothing to do with the following:

  • Product Creation
  • MLM or MOBE
  • Paid Traffic
  • SEO or Google
  • YouTube
  • Fiverr

See What's Real People Are Saying About These...

OK... I will be honest. I think one of your biggest selling points is your sincerity and honesty. I say that because so many courses are crap and they do not do what they claim. I like your thoroughness - and the way you conveyed information through the method.

I think a lot of people like to think making money online is easy and without putting too much work in, but I think the main the message I got was consistent effort over time, trying to help people and using gradual traffic methods is the best way to go - I liked how you suggested to not go for certain path - which is what so many courses base their training on... all in all pretty good. Awesome information. Best of luck.

Manny Hanif

Internet Marketer

Nicolas Kane

CPA Marketer

There are a few different ways a begginer can make money online - and the 20 Minutes Cash Formulaformula is perfect for exactly that! Buyer traffic, Free Online Tools and a quick 20 minute set up - that's a perfect combo for success!

"The info is brilliant. This is what everyone needs. Especially if they are new. This was the missing link for me. I've made money on accident but now I know how to do it on purpose. I believe you have changed my life for the better. Not many coursed can say that"

Alan Brown

Affiliate Marketer

This Sounds Like What I'm Looking For...

When you consider the step-by-step format of the 20 Minutes Cash Formula, it would be easy to charge several hundred dollars for what’s inside…

You’ll get EVERYTHING you need to go from ZERO to a 4 figure business extremely quickly…

If you paid me to train you personally for the information inside 20 Minutes Cash Formula you would easily pay more than $497+ for this training…

Even though the course is structured just like having me in your home or office teaching you how to build your list-building business, you won't pay anywhere near $497 today…

Not even $97…

…or $67…

For a very limited time, you can get access to 20 Minutes Cash Formula for just $4.97

Click The Button Below

When You Act Now, I’m Including Some Limited Edition Fast Action Bonuses….

Fast Action Bonus #1 : PurreCash $60

Discover The Exact System That Gets Me THOUSANDS Of Subscriber To My LIST, And GET PAID For It!" That's Pure $3,480 Cash In The Last 2 Months...

Fast Action Bonus #2 : Traffic Explosion

Our Top Secret Formulas For Getting TONS Of FREE Traffic That Makes $100-$300 Per Day Over And Over Again

Fast Action Bonus #3 : CB Covert Code

See How I Make $0-$500 Daily Affiliate Commission on ClickBank Driving a Hidden Traffic Formula!

WHY YOU NEED TO GRAB '20 Minutes Cash Formula' Right Now

  • The price is going up fast! If you close this page and come back later, you’ll end up paying more
  • The doors to this may completely shut down at some point and I don’t want you to miss out on this brand new method
  • When you get your hands on this right now, we’re included a powerful case study and bonuses valued at Above $350 for FREE
  • When you get started right now, you can start making money within 7 days! - It’s an investment that can quickly pay for itself as soon as a week!

Your Days of Failing Online Are Now OVER…

  • No more seeing $0 month after month in your PayPal account...
  • No more falling victim to another scammy product...
  • No more dodgy methods that don't show each step in detail...
  • No more slaving hours each day hoping to make SOMETHING work...
  • No more spending money on paid advertising...

Here’s Why You Going To Love My Method...!


  • You don’t need ANY experience, ANY fancy degree, ANY special abilities. Just follow our simple steps....
  • You don’t need a any budget, you can get started with our secret FREE Traffic formula....
  • No coding or technical experience will ever be required to make this work.
  • Results come QUICK...
  • Less Than 20 Minutes Per Days...
  • Finally Breakthrough To Results...

Yo​u Are Only 3 Steps Away...

Step 1: Get Access to our method. Learn Start to finish what we revealed.

Step 2: Setup everything step-by-step. Connect our 2 secret traffic source!

Step 3: Sit Back and see how it works...

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If you have any issues while using the method and I fail to help you resolve the issue, I’ll give you 100% of your money back.

Note - With every refund request I need a valid reason along with Proof that you tried my system as explained and it did not work for you.

I do not offer a no-questions asked refund and you need to provide a valid reason for requesting one. My team has a 99% proven record of solving customer problems and helping them through any issues they have so you’re extremely safe & your purchase is protected.

I am considering your money to be kept safe on the table between us waiting for you to try this method and put it into your business to make real money so you feel this has been a great investment.

Is '20 Minutes Cash Formula' For You?

  • You’re looking for a simple method that will make result with a few clicks of your mouse
  • You’re tired of investing in training and methods that make big promises but leave you spinning your wheels…
  • You don’t want to spend a fortune on traffic… Our Secret Free Traffic formula will get you boat-load of traffic, and leads with simply Copy & Pasting...
  • Less Than 20 Minutes Per Days...
  • Finally Breakthrough To Results...

Hurry, I reserve the right to pull this offer at any time as I have done before.

Therefore this is for a limited time only, as I personally support all of my buyers and if too many copies are sold I may have to take it down.

P.S.:: Remember, the price is only going to be $4.97 a limited time. The price could go up tomorrow, or possibly even later today... so don’t wait until the book costs $67 to get it... order right now.

P.P.S.:: Don’t forget, I take all the risks here with my iron clad 100% money back guarantee. Invest today for zero risk! If you’re sick of others telling you that you can’t succeed in your business, it’s high time you showed them whose boss!

Ivy Livingston

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this all about??

A: 20 Minutes Cash Formula is a simple method that ANYONE can use to get a bunch of Free Buyer Traffic and quickly turn $20 Minutes into $80-$100 per day.

Q: Is it true that i won't have to sell anything to clients or anyone??

A: Yep! you wont have to sell a single thing, infact you will be offering an amazing opportunity to specific people that is a win-win situation for you both!

Q: What makes this training different than everything else out there?

A: Most training methods teach you pretty much the same method just spun in a different way.

This is something you’ve never been taught before. Plus, I’m also going to peel back the curtain to my online business and teach you how to make your first $500 fast and then how to scale things up to $3k -$4k per month and beyond.

Q: Is this newbie-friendly?

A: Yes, it’s 100% newbie friendly. You don’t need an email list, prior internet marketing experience, a website, or a product of your own to do this. Everything you need is inside the ‘20 Minutes Cash Formula’.

Q: How much money will this make me?

A: I’ll show you a simple method for getting to $1000 within 30 days, although many people will get to their first $1,000 within a week or two… The best part is, it only takes a few minutes each day to do this. Once you get to your first $1,000, I’ll show you how to scale up to $5,000+ per month by using the secret method.

Q: How long until the money starts coming in?

A: Fast… When you follow the step-by-step training, you can see money flowing in as soon as Day 1. And once you get this system going and get things going, you’ll continue to make money day after day.

Q: Is there a guarantee?

A: Yes. You get a 30 day money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, all you have to do is send me an email, and I’ll get you a prompt refund.

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